Term 4 is Upon Us!
Can you believe it! Term 4 is here already. Really looking forward to getting back to the lessons after a nice break.
I had a couple fun gigs over the holidays. My band The Punk Rock Hillbilly supported Pennywise at Drifters Wharf in Gosford. That was a fun and may i say, wild night! Gosford turned it on. *Pic below. Had a couple great gigs with my Powderfinger / Pearl Jam Tribute show. We have an ALL AGES show coming up on November 6th at the Dam Hotel in North Wyong - will be a great one for the under 18s to come along too.
Back to sorting the timetable for term 4 - see ya soon!
The Punk Rock Hillbilly opening for Pennywise @ Drifters Wharf Gosford Sept 21st 2022 ( Thats me with the guitar )